Friday, April 4, 2008

The World According To Papa

At the request of my 13 year old grandson I have taken the challange to begin a blog titled, "The World According to Papa." This is a little intimitating I must admit as my computer skills are somewhat limited or I should say, "I am computer challanged." I will do my very best to keep it short and some what interesting.

I am about to enjoy my 68th Birthday on april 10th and have all the pleasure of feeling all my parts that are still with me each morning when I get out of bed. I know all the aches and just where they belong so I can tell all is well. I have a close association with Ben Gay and sports cream is my favorite athletic activity these days. But I thank God every day of my life for the new and wonderous blessings He gives me.

So tonight I'm just trying this to see if it will really work and if so we will learn from this and begin to grow.


Unknown said...

you took my advice! i'll check it regularly so keep blogging


Amelia said...

Looks great, dad! We're looking forward to more posts.

Unknown said...

I loved your blog post, I'll read it a lot!